SpineX Trans Spinal Stimulation (TSS)

More is Possible, 25.03.2024


SpineX Inc.
11340 Olympic Blvd Ste 222
Los Angeles, CA 90064
United States


SpineX is a medical bioelectric solutions company conducting advanced clinical trials of its non-invasive therapy platforms.

Technology und Application

Device SCONE (IP Version two SpineX):


It is a two channel device.

The application of the electrodes it’s on the Spine itself (non-invasive) depending on which part of the body wants to be trained, the electrodes (hydrogel electrode) are placed further up or down the spine. The grounds (ground electrodes) are placed left and right on the low abdominal muscles. Both channels can be used to separately adjust the amplitude mA and thus change the intensity of the stimulation.

The Equipment was developed by SpineX at UCLA and is manufactured in India.

All studies are done with the transcutaneous stimulation (trans spinal stimulation) device SCONE from Spinex Inc.


Clinical Trials:

Bowel and bladder study with SCONE (regaining control of bowel and bladder function):

Introducing Spinal COrd Neuromodulation (SCONETM) therapy: an adult device that treats urinary incontinence allowing people living with neurogenic bladder due to spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and stroke to live their lives on their own terms. It is simple to use, and results in lasting functional improvement.

SCONE has received FDA Breakthrough Device Designation, meaning there is no similar competitive device on the market and the proposed therapy is significantly better than current standard of care (SoC).

SCONE™ Therapy is delivered through comfortable hydrogel electrode pads placed on the skin over specific regions of the spinal column

Trains the spinal cord and brain to minimize bladder control issues caused by NB

Treatment consists of 60 minute sessions, 2x/week for 12 weeks


Upper extremity study with SCONE:

The goal is to restore upper limb functionality thru cervical and thoracic stimulation (neuromodulation). The stimulation of the spine is done during ABT Training sessions of 2 hours several times a week for several months. Strengthening as well as regaining function in denervated or partially denervated muscles, in upper extremities and trunk can be achieved.

Lower extremity study with SCONE:

The goal is to restore lower limb functionality thru thoracic and lumbar stimulation (neuromodulation). The stimulation of the spine is done during ABT Training sessions of 2 hours several times a week for several months. Strengthening as well as regaining function in denervated or partially denervated muscles, in lower  extremities and trunk can be achieved.

Citation Source Information

[1] Spinex Inc. Neurogenic bladder (NB).2023, https://spinex.co/scone-for-neurogenic-bladder/