University of Louisville Epidural Stimulation

More is Possible, 25.03.2024


University of Louisville
2301 S 3rd St, Louisville, 
United States

Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center

Technology und Application

StimX Release 2 is Software Version 2 now used for the Medtronic Device  - The technology consists of a neurostimulator (IPG) and lead placed near the spinal cord. The lead, also called “Electrode Array” with a total 16 Electrodes, lies on top of the Dura of the Spinal Cord, so in the space between the Spinal Cord and the Vertebrae in the Lumbar segments of the Spine. The Neurostimulator is developed and provided by the company Medtronic Device Intellis Device ™ (USA). The system is controlled by a tablet which every patient has at his disposal. [1] [2]



Clinical Trials

There are ongoing clinical trials

Useful links

Medtronic Device Intellis Device ™

Citation Source Information

[1] Kentucky Spinal Cord Injury Research Center. 2023,

[2] Powerpoint Presentation Medtronic - U2FP Symposium 2023, Minneapolis presentation, Nat Torgerson