Onward Epidural Stimulation

More is Possible, 25.03.2024


Onward medical SA.
Pont Bessières 3
1005 Lausanne


Technology und Application

ARCIM is the implantable platform of Onward medical SA., consisting of a neurostimulator (IPG) and lead placed near the spinal cord. The lead, also called “Electrode Array” with a total 16 Electrodes, lies on top of the Dura of the Spinal Cord, so in the space between the Spinal Cord and the Vertebrae in the Lumbar segments of the Spine. The Neurostimulator (IPG) is originally developed from the company Abbot (USA) and still in use for chronic pain treatment - now in a variation specified in cooperation with onward used for driving their electrode array. ARCIM is controlled by wearable components and a smartwatch. 



Clinical Trials

The STIMO study demonstrated the ability of the ARCIM platform therapy to enable long-paralyzed people to stand and walk again with little or no assistance. Onward recived FDA Breakthrough Device Designation for ARCIM in 2020 to restore leg motor function in people with spinal cord injury. 

Then in 2021, for the use of the system to normalize blood pressure and provide trunk stability, and in 2022 for bladder control.


The FDA has awarded Breakthrough Device Designation for this system supporting the recovery of leg motor functions and neurological controls through the use of ARC Therapy in adults with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) who have a lesion both higher than vertebrae and spinal cord neurological levels T11 with preserved conus medullaris, and whose SCI or spinal cord compression is neither related to oncological causes nor to a neurodegenerative disease.

The FDA has awarded Breakthrough Device Designation for a system to improve or restore upper extremity sensory and motor function in people with chronic neurological deficit resulting from incomplete spinal cord injury. It is intended to be used in conjunction with physical therapy at the hospital and rehabilitation therapy clinic. [1]

Useful links

Citation Source Information

[1] Onward Medical SA. ARCEX. 2023, https://www.onwd.com/

[2] Powerpoint Presentation ONWARD Medical N.V. Corporate Presentation - 2023 SCI Investor Symposium_Youtube. 2023, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6yyhT_iLGg