Spin Bike

More is Possible, 25.03.2024

Ordinary Spin Bikes can be used in two different positions for movement of paralyzed or partially paralyzed legs.

One way is sitting on a bench, a chair, a sofa whatsoever and cycling from this position if the bike is placed in front of you (you can support the movement with your arms, or perform it completely yourself if you have enough strength and innervation in your legs). The other one is doing it in a seating position on the Spine Bike seat itself. As you can imagine, the first variant is way easier to do on your own than the second. For the second you might need an additional person at least to get on the bike and then help you with the legs to cycle and help you keep a good position.

By both variants we would recommend using an additional pillow to secure your butt.

Cycling is beneficial for several reasons:

  • It helps you getting better cardio
  • The movement helps you to keep better mobility in our legs
  • It highers blood circulation
  • It can activate your central pattern generators because cycling is very rhythmic movement

Variant 1 - Seating Position on a a other surface

Picture Variant 1 Cycling (currently missing)

Variant 2 - Seating Position on the bike itself

Picture Variant 2 Cycling (currently missing)