Adduction / Abduction

More is Possible, 25.03.2023

What it is?

To train your adductors and abductors with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) or other neurological disorders, you can use an ordinary adduction/abduction-station which you can find in most gyms. Depending on your leg strength, that means the combination of your muscle innervation and muscle force at that point, you need to support the movement of your legs with more or less arms. If you have almost no voluntary movement at this moment, the best in our opinion is to lower down the weight of the adduction/abduction-station to the lowest possible amount. Through this you will have less problems doing a decent amount of repetitions and sets.

Aims of this exercise:

  • it is a good exercise to work on your mobility and range of motion in the your upper legs
  • it can help you to reinnervate your abduction and abduction muscles and to gain more muscle force 
  • it is useful  to keep bone density on a better level

How to do it?

(Picture currently missing)

Do the inside and outside movement by supporting the legs with the arms and try thereby to think about the movement you are doing and using the right muscles in your mind.

What to consider?

Depending on your problems with decubitus in the sitting position of your sitting bones, we would recommend you using an additional pillow - Most seats of adduction/abduction-stations are soft but might not be soft enough. We would recommend an additional pillow by using ordinary fitness equipment anyways.