More is Possible, 25.03.2024

MÁS: Mobilization Activation System/Station


In the dynamic landscape of neurological rehabilitation, the Mobilization Activation System (MÁS) offers a method to enhance the mobility of individuals facing physical constraints. It is crucial to establish the distinction between the MÁS Mobilization Activation System and the MÁS Mobilization Activation Station, both of which play integral roles in redefining rehabilitation standards.

History and Genesis

The journey of MÁS commenced in 2011 when Jeff Lefkovitz, the founder of Abilities Recovery Center (Los Angeles), undertook the development of this revolutionary system. Prompted by the desire to aid Gary, a quadriplegic with a shattered dream of walking again, Jeff envisioned a solution that transcended the limitations of existing rehabilitation equipment. 


MAS System vs MAS Station

While the MÁS System encompasses the entire methodology of rehabilitation, the MÁS Station refers specifically to the physical machine designed to implement this method. Together, they represent a holistic approach that addresses the unique needs of paralyzed individuals, providing a platform for standing and walking exercises.

The MÁS Advantages

The advantages of the MÁS are the following:

  • Safety and Freedom: MÁS stands out as the safest and least restrictive system, providing individuals unable to stand or walk independently with a secure environment for learning.
  • Versatility in Rehabilitation: Offering greater flexibility, MÁS enables clinicians and patients to explore creative exercises while ensuring safety, pushing limits in a controlled manner.
  • Adjustability for Diverse Needs: The MÁS accommodates a diverse patient population in terms of height, weight, and disability levels. Its adaptability allows clinicians to tailor the system to individual needs, progressively removing assistive devices as patients improve.
  • Efficiency in Sessions: Time efficiency is a hallmark of MÁS. In contrast to the time-consuming process of fitting patients into harnesses or exoskeleton suits, MÁS requires just one minute for setup, streamlining rehabilitation sessions.
  • Natural Body Mechanics: Unlike other systems with restrictive devices, MÁS promotes natural body mechanics during walking exercises, fostering a more authentic rehabilitation experience.
  • Intimate Clinician-Patient Interaction: The MÁS operates on a 1:1:1 principle, involving one clinician, one patient, and one machine. This minimizes external interference, providing clinicians with valuable insights into patient progress.

Achievements and Future Perspectives

Over a decade of MÁS utilization has yielded remarkable results, improving the condition of those training with the MÁS. The integration of measuring devices like surface EMG has unveiled specific movement patterns crucial for neurological recovery. These discoveries are helping in neurological rehabilitation, offering hope and improved outcomes for individuals facing such challenges.


As we delve into the MÁS Mobilization Activation System and Station, we uncover a paradigm shift in neurological rehabilitation. This dualistic approach not only challenges conventional norms but also paves the way for a more comprehensive and personalized recovery journey for individuals seeking to regain their mobility.