Become a part of our community!

Our goal: the largest independent association of spinal cord injured people in Europe

Together we are strong and can strengthen each other!

We take the exchange of ideas to a new level. We make it easier to share knowledge on all topics. We have planned a lot:

  • Creating a platform for exchanging information with each other
  • Spreading knowledge about spinal cord injury
  • Topic-specific knowledge exchange
  • Access to advanced therapies
  • Information about and access to scientific studies and research

In the medium term, we will also put those topics on the political agenda that are still being discussed too little or incorrectly today.

Together we can speak with a strong voice - and be heard!

The MiP Community is not only intended for those affected...

...sondern widmet sich der gesamten Community von Rückenmarksverletzten (RMV). Unser Ziel ist es, allen Personen, die direkt oder indirekt von Rückenmarksverletzungen betroffen sind, Unterstützung und Informationen zu bieten, einschliesslich Betroffenen/Patienten, ihren Familien, Freunden und medizinischem Fachpersonal wie Therapeuten und Ärzten.

Join the MiP Community

Fill out the form below and you will soon be contacted by us.

* = mandatory fields

The following information relates to the type of injury. This information is voluntary, but helps us to understand the needs of our community.